To discover the best of Croatia by sea is to reveal its true secrets. Croatia has everything on offer – the comprehensive ranges of sailing options, the beautiful scenery, the undiscoveredbays, the myriad of islands, and most importantly, clear, calm and clean waters surrounding them.
No doubt, Croatia is Europe’s finest sailing playground that takes onlytwo hours from London to reach with an airplane. It’s cost-effective, relatively safe at sea and on shore and comprises of a diversity of destinations for sailing routes which are amenable to all.
Novice sailors can enjoy chartering a boat with a qualified skipper, potter around the island and find out as much or as little about sailing as they’d like. If you are very much serious about learning how to sail, or improving your skills, consider taking a sailing course in Croatia. Generally, sailors of different abilities, seeking for the safety and other benefits can also join a flotilla sailing holiday.
Learning how to sail in Croatia –
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